We are grateful for your support of Central Synagogue.

Please enter a whole dollar amount (no cents) of at least $5. If you would like to give less than $5, please contact our Development department.

Click through our list of funds to learn more about each one.
A gift to Central Synagogue’s Clergy Directed Fund in honor of a specific clergy member is a meaningful way to recognize any one of our rabbis or cantors for their guidance and support through life cycle moments, whether joyous or sorrowful. Gifts to this fund are allocated for clergy to use at their discretion for charitable and religious purposes.

Since you indicated you'd like to donate to the Clergy Discretionary Fund, you may choose up to three Clergy Members to honor:

For centuries, traditional Jewish custom has included the idea of giving tzedakah in memory of our loved ones who have died. This is a practice still observed by some and not a required mitzvah. If it is meaningful to you personally, you are welcome to make a voluntary donation to our Yahrzeit Fund in memory of your loved one. Gifts to the Yahrzeit Fund will support Central’s general operating budget.
Central’s Adult Engagement Program includes a wide array of lectures, classes, seminars, study sessions, and more, all of which inspire our members to cultivate relationships and explore Jewish religion and culture.
Central’s thrice-weekly Breakfast Program responds to the homeless and hungry problem in our neighborhood by providing a hot breakfast and bagged lunch to guests. Volunteers come together every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday morning in our Community House to prepare and serve meals to guests, many of whom rely on this warm, nutritious start to their days.
The Center for Exploring Judaism, led by Rabbi Lisa Rubin, is a vital resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Judaism or is contemplating a Jewish life. Through lasting relationships with our caring and encouraging staff and an enriching curriculum, the Center has a meaningful influence on the religious lives of individuals, couples, and families.
Music is an integral element of the Reform Jewish experience and plays a highly significant role in the life of Central Synagogue. The beautiful music featured in Central’s religious services lifts our prayers, inspires our learning, and gives expression to our emotions.
The Mildred Ross Nursery School Fund supports the May Family Nursery School’s efforts to provide a nurturing environment that fosters a love of learning, a joy of gathering, and a sense of pride in Jewish traditions and values in our youngest children. The Ross Fund also underwrites financial aid for some of our families.
The Religious School Scholarship Fund helps us ensure that Central Synagogue’s Lese Center for Living Judaism (LCLJ) continues to provide our children with experiences that will enhance their spiritual, social, and intellectual connections to Judaism, regardless of their family’s economic circumstances.
Central’s Emergency Relief Fund provides critical support to those impacted by large-scale emergencies and disasters. Of course, the Fund is currently devoted exclusively to helping our sisters and brothers in Israel.

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References the Id of the fund the donor has selected on this form. The controlling fund field is hidden if the form is prefilled with a specific Campaign.

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